Kalyug Briefs

Khakee- Film Review

Khakee- Film Review

Jaisi karni, vaisi bharni

Story of people saving us from the wrath of the underworld dons and petty criminals.

Special mention Akshaya Kumar’s role:

As a cop, he had access to those households who cheat the Government, don’t pay taxes, smuggle goods etc. Since the cop knows about the weaknesses of the males of the house, he happily goes about having sex with the desperate housewives..wives of petty criminals i.e.

In comes Mahalakshmi – girlfriend of a Don and easily dupes the characterless cop with her sexy charms. In the end, the cop dies in the hands of the Don! Nothing much is lost – a characterless cop dies in the hands of a don, the don himself kills his girlfriend (he makes her a shield and saves his skin from the bullet) and ultimately another cop kills the don.

See divine providence is working 24/7. Characterless people are not required…they ruin more things than create..they ruin relationships – so it is better that they are removed from planet earth as soon as possible. So in this film the characterless cop dies and also the don along with his girlfriend die! Good riddance to bad rubbish!